IMPULSE! project will develop and hone new practices for more ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable touring for puppetry and visual theatre through discussions in online seminars and in-person meetings. These findings will be published online and made available to all interested professionals in the performing arts field.
Seminar and Panel discussion during TIP-Fest 2023
Slow transitions: Exploring ways to connect while on tour or as an artist in residence
Wednesday 8 November 2023 at 14:00 (EET)
Jokistudio, Manilla. Itäinen Rantakatu 64, Turku, FI & live stream
Aura of Puppets hosts a seminar on sustainable touring practices on Thursday 20 April 2023 at the Oh My Puppets! mini festival for contemporary Puppetry in Helsinki.
Each of the project partners hosts one master class on a certain topic for puppetry professionals in 2023. The events will be organized in connection with the partner festivals. The first 1-2 days of the Master Class will be hosted online and are open for all European freelance artists. Following the online session, another two days of workshop will be held live in the host country.
Workshop on dramaturgy during Turku International Puppetry Festival
Aura of Puppets hosts a masterclass on Dramaturgy of Devised and Object Theatre during TIP-Fest Tuesday 31 October to Friday 3 November 2023 in Turku with MgA. Sodja ZUPANC-LOTKER, Ph.D. The first day of the masterclass will be streamed live.
Workshop Micro Cinema Theatre 1 to 4 June 2023 during Fimfa festival
Tarumba hosts n experimental workshop with leading puppeteer Gavin Glover at the Fimfa Festival in Lisbon.