About the project and partners
The two-year project (2023–24) funded by Creative Europe Culture Strand promotes the art of contemporary puppetry and visual theatre and focuses on the borders of Northern and Southern Europe. Collaborating countries – Finland, Lithuania and Portugal – all have geographical challenges in exchanging knowledge, networks and touring, but have major potential in promoting the art form of puppetry for wider audiences.
IMPULSE! – New focus on Puppetry and Visual Theatre
Showcases high-quality contemporary puppetry and visual theatre
Extends and engages audiences for puppetry and visual theatre for adults
Develops a sustainable international tour structure for puppet theatre and visual theatre performances and freelance professionals
Creates networks, European-wide touring conditions and strengthens the conditions for art professionals’ employment
Enables professional development with artistic and productional viewpoints
Focuses on Europe’s geographical peripheries in the Northern and Southern Europe

At the core of IMPULSE! is supporting the creation and circulation of European works and artists. This will be achieved in two ways. Firstly, the project will investigate concrete touring network structures in the form of a touring pilot programme for the three festival partners. Secondly, the IMPULSE! project will develop and hone new practices for more ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable touring for puppetry and visual theatre through discussions in online seminars and in-person meetings. These findings will be published online and made available to all interested professionals in the performing arts field.
There is a clear need for more international collaboration both in terms of more touring and performing possibilities, as well as in the interest of exposing artists to new colleagues, ways of thinking and aesthetic concepts to push the field creatively further.
The project provides concrete tools and networks for organizations and artists to extend their activities across borders and to begin building a much wider-reaching network of creatively ambitious and internationally-minded actors.
Building professional and artistic capacity through international exchange

Project partners
Aura of Puppets
is a network of professional freelance puppet theatre artists in Finland and currently represents 72 artists across Finland. Aura of Puppets network also organizes the annual international puppetry festival TIP-Fest (Turku International Puppetry Festival), Finland.
Read more about Aura of Puppets
A Tarumba
Teatro de Marionetas is a Portuguese professional theatre company, based in Lisbon, established in 1993. Tarumba organizes FIMFA(International Festival of Puppetry and Animated Forms), an annual festival since 2001 in Lisbon, Portugal.
Kosmos Theatre
Is an independent professional experimental visual theatre established in Lithuania. They focus on combining classical art forms with achievements of contemporary technologies. KOSMOS THEATRE collaborates with Contempo festival in Kaunas, Lithuania.
Read more about Kosmos Theatre