Premiere at Fimfa Festival

Lithuanian company Kosmos Theatre from Vilnus visited FIMFA Lx - International Festival of Puppetry and Animated Forms 28 and 29 May 2024. Their performance Dilettante (*Who Dreamt of an Angel) had its world premiere at the festival.

The two sold out performances were a good starting point for Kosmos Theatre's new performance. Working group members, composer Andrius Šiurys and performer Airida Gintautaitė recall their experience from Lisbon.

Photos: Alípio Padilha


How did the performances go in Lisbon? Was it different having a premiere abroad?

Airida: The second performance happened as a real premiere. All the connections of the conceived artistic expression took place. It was a good game. The first performance was a bit stressful, because there was tension and there was less of that game, the rhythm of the pace stalled. The whole premiers abroad relaxes from the assessment and expectations of people you know. Abroad, the viewer is neutral in relation to the development team. We met for the first time and look for points of contact together. If the show hangs attention, then it's not because of sympathy or prejudice. This is the result of the right creative decisions.

Andrius: We had two shows, both were very different. There's an unwritten rule that the second premiere is always better than the first, and our case wasn't an exception. By the way, Mr. Diletant is still a very young guy, he needs to spend some extra time with our crew to become more confident. I'm sure he'll see another angel soon.

During IMPULSE! -project festival visits are carried out as part of a touring pilot programme exploring new ways to make performance visits and tours more sustainable. Do you find this experience different from other international gigs?

Airida: Chamber space, set design and a small creative team are the biggest difference and a great new experience. I really liked it.

Andrius: Every experience is different. Every gig is unique. I would like to see this show in the forest or in the beautiful city near the ocean. The second whim already became a reality.

Did this visit give you new perspectives on international touring? Do you find festival or performance visits abroad more accessible after this project? Or was this experience similar to others?

Airida: I think such a minimal scenography and a compact spatial project can have more opportunities to be taken to various festivals. My previous work was of a big mindset, which led to a lot of challenges while organizing a tour.

Andrius: I like getting opportunities to see various cities. But still, then you do the gig, the most important thing is the vibe between our crew and the audience. The next important thing is the artistic and technical success of the show. Everything else is beautiful circumstances.

Did you manage to meet other inspiring artists or make contacts with international colleagues?

Airida: Now our producer will be more engaged in those issues. Personally, I am always open to new acquaintances. The end of new inspiring performances can be seen at festivals. So I am very much looking forward to them, and I would just add that it’s necessary to give the team as many as days possible on tour so that they could meet with foreign colleagues, see their artistic works.

Andrius: I met you, guys. We had some nice small talks. Sadly I didn't have time for extra conversations.

Anything else you would like to add?

Le ciel bleu sur nous peut s'effondrer
Et la Terre peut bien s'écrouler
Peu m'importe si tu m'aimes
Je me fous du monde entier

Photos: Alípio Padilha, Fimfa Festival